Part 1: Diet Controlled Gestation Diabetes Experience with a Midwife

Receiving a Gestational Diabetes diagnosis in pregnancy can feel overwhelming and sometimes even impossible. Believe it or not though, with the right support, diet counseling, and nutritional focus during pregnancy, gestational diabetes can often be controlled without medication! Midwifery care provides opportunities for a personalized approach for each pregnant mama to work towards her goal of staying healthy and avoiding developing a high-risk pregnancy, despite the diagnoses at hand! Together, the mama and midwife are an unbeatable team that works closely to accomplish those healthy-mama-healthy-baby goals and ultimately helps mamas with gestational diabetes have the healthy and wonderful birth of their dreams!

This is a personal story shared by one of our first-time mamas who, against the odds, conquered her gestational diabetes diagnosis WITHOUT MEDICATION. Due to her hard work and dedication throughout the last trimester of her pregnancy, she now has an empowering and incredible birth story to share today. We hope you are as inspired by her story as we are.